
Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results

IT'S THE BIG ONE 'LIZABETH · 7:07am Jan 21st, 2017

It's going to be a large update. Larger than the last by a good clip. As always, I hope you enjoy it. I do appreciate feedback by the way, though I don't really get much of it. I don't know if ATTRTR is actually any good with the thumb system, but 4/5 reviews aren't bad, so I can live with that.

That said, this chapter probably won't be done until sometime later today, so watch this while you wait.

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Preferences · 1:58pm Feb 6th, 2017

Would you fellows prefer sub 20k updates that come a bit quicker, or larger chapters that take a bit more time to read? At the moment, I've been running into good places to stop earlier in my chapters (about halfway through) and am quite curious as to whether I should just put them out sooner or continue working on them. It makes little difference to me, but I'd like to have some feedback as to what goes on in the minds of my readers, so PM me or Reply to this and I'll get back to you. For

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Speaking of 'Big Ones' · 8:57am Jan 31st, 2017

I have chapter 15 primed and ready to go for the morning, and am currently about 2000 words into 16. I got a job and life has gotten hectic, but I'll spare you my bullshit and let you get on with your life, yeah?

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Thanks for the Feedback · 3:10am Feb 7th, 2017

Chapter 17 won't be too much longer now, probably going to be out sometime around 9am EST, but it will not be sub 20k as I anticipated. We're looking at a little over that. Of course, the chapter will be done sometime in the night, but releasing my shit in the morning seems to garner more attention, so I prefer to do that rather than at 3 am when there are fewer people able to read.

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The Wind Down. · 3:51am Mar 29th, 2018

With Chapter Seventy-One of A Thief's Tale: Road To Redemtion being posted, there are only two chapters left of the madness. Here's hoping you enjoy.


So There Was A Message. · 4:57am May 29th, 2018

I recently got a message (Somewhat recently, I should say) from a fan of Road to Redemption asking for my blessing in building their own world within my AU. Now, I myself have wanted to collaborate with other authors because I fucking love the idea of writing with someone else and blending our styles together, but that's not what's happening here.

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Chapter 21 is Done · 1:34am Mar 16th, 2017

So it's done, though it's not edited yet. My question is whether you guys would prefer the 10k version now, or wait for the other half to be completed and just add the two together.


I Don't Even Know · 3:25pm Feb 7th, 2017

I'm not sure why everything in Chapter 17 is underlined, and I really don't feel like re-editing the whole thing just to post it again and have the same problem.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Hopefully the underlining isn't too terrible for most of you, but I just don't have it in me to spend another hour and a half editing my first draft, so es lo que es. I'll try to keep the same thing from happening in Chapter 18 which I am now 7.4k words into.

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I Am Not Quite Dead · 1:53pm Oct 3rd, 2022

And neither is A Thief's Tale. Writing at the speed of life right now, which is uh... Not goin' too quick. It's been a while. Sup, nerds?

Yeah, I'm not dead. Struggling with life, but alive and doing alright. Love taking screenshots of the old comments to brighten up these dreary days.

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Shit ain't done. · 3:33pm Mar 11th, 2017

Been sick as shit so I haven't made much headway in the story before this morning, so please be patient and work with me for awhile longer. This week just hasn't been super.

In any case, be sure to keep breathing, drink water, and eat food.

Stay Cool, Kids.


There's been a Lull. · 2:22pm Feb 18th, 2017

As you can tell, I'm not pumping out chapters at my usual pace, but they are still coming. They're just slower. Work and a social life leave me with less than adequate time to get more than a thousand or so words a day, and I've had quite the bout of writer's block. Fuck dat bullshit tho and listen to this. I found it very fitting for a good bit of Max's life so far.


Words on A Thief's Tale: Chapter 39. · 5:51am Jun 2nd, 2017

So the story is already quite morally sketchy. A lot of the things Max does could be considered bad or even evil, but in the chapter I'm currently writing, I recognize that things get more than sketchy. It's a debate on whether or not people have certain rights, and whether or not you agree is completely up to you and how you view good and evil. I'm personally on the fence about the matter, but I feel like Max, as a character and a fictional man has grown and evolved in such a way to make such

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News · 7:20am Apr 20th, 2017

Since Chapter 26 is already done and I don't really want to move on yet, I'm going to do a minor rewrite of my first few chapters. Basically, I'm going to beef them up a bit and make them suck less so more people actually want to continue reading, though I'm pretty much leaving the story as it is. IT's really just adding details and fixing spelling, formatting, and a few other things. Chapter 26 is going to be released some time later today, most likely around 7:30 EST, so keep an eye out for

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Minor Schedule Change · 2:54am Jan 13th, 2018

Instead of Sunday night at midnight, A Thief's Tale will be coming out on Saturday night, same time, same place. I just don't like having to spend my last night off of my weekend editing, so we'll see how this shit rolls for awhile, yeah?


Looking For Editor(s) · 1:27pm Oct 11th, 2017

As it is, I've already got an editor and I read through my own shit after they do their thing, but things are still slipping through the cracks and it's killing me on the inside when I read through a chapter and 'find' missing words, fucked up capitalization, or odd spacing/punctuation. If you're a bit of a Grammar Nazi or just paid/pay decent attention in school, feel free to PM me or comment on this shit.


Well Shit. · 1:22am Apr 19th, 2017

Chapter 25 isn't going over too well. Maybe it's just too damn long. I prefer to read long chapters, but I realize that not everyone feels the same way. I'll try paring them down to 30k instead of shooting for 50k, but I like writing so I do it a lot. Sometimes it just so happens to take me on a longer journey than expected

I also realized that the inspiration for all of my longer chapters hasn't even written one above 30k yet, so fuck me

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Chapter 25: Long AF · 6:45am Apr 15th, 2017

25 is going to be a slogfest, fellas. At 40,000 words, the place I want to end the chapter is probably much further ahead. I wish you the best of luck when reading it, and hope to get it out soon.

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Rewrite News. (It's actually importante this time) · 3:38am Feb 8th, 2018

So I found the original First Chapter of A Thief's Tale, and it is now in my Gdocs where I'll never lose it again. I actually found it in my Gdocs, but it was under a fucked up title or something, so I never paid attention to it.

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Milestones · 5:06pm May 5th, 2017

So we hit three milestones here recently: We're halfway to a million words, the story now has twenty thousand total views, and it's within the top 150 longest stories on the site. I like all of these things. Share my hype.

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Alright, So I'm A Bit Ahead. · 10:16pm Jun 6th, 2017

I’ve got two chapters of A Thief’s Tale written. They’ll need to be edited and proofread, but I do that the day before posting the chapter, so that’s some words right there. In any case, Chapter Forty is finished and I’m debating on what to do next. I was thinking of doing a short story because I have a decent backlog now and that creative spark for the main story is waning a bit. I’ll take succinct suggestions for short stories, but the main thing I want to know is if I should make

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 37 results